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7542 Roosevelt Way NE
Seattle, WA 98115
(206) 412-9979
My system uses non-cruel, very humane methods based on respect and the expectation of behavior. When I was young, if I had a fit in the store for a candy bar or a box of cereal, I would never get it. I was expected to do my homework without a reward, to work around the house, to show common courtesy, and to be respectful to everyone around me. I expect the same from my dogs. You cannot buy love, and similarly, you cannot buy good behavior using food.
We also offer nutritional consultation, cat and dog boarding, dog walks, house sitting, and park runs. We consider ourselves to be some of the foremost experts on aggression and dominance.
King County, WashingtonCategories:
Kennels / Boarding,
Obedience Classes,
Dog Sitters,