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Directory Listings - Page 2: Results 21-40 out of 4,209
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The American Shih Tzu Club, Inc. (ASTC) was formed in 1963 by a small group of individuals who shared a common interest in, love for, and commitment to the Shih Tzu breed. Since then, the ASTC has continued to grow in membership, in local Shih Tzu club affiliates, and in liaisons with other Shih Tzu organizations throughout the world. The ASTC is a member club of the American Kennel Club.
United StatesCategory:
Shih Tzu Organizationswww.shihtzu.org/

The American Tibetan Mastiff Association website provides information about all aspects of owning Tibetan Mastiffs as well as how to find Tibetan Mastiff puppies from ethical breeders.
United StatesCategory:
Tibetan Mastiff Organizationswww.tibetanmastiff.org/

A website for whippet owners, whippet lovers, sighthound lovers, and information about the Whippet breed.
United StatesCategory:
Whippet Organizationswww.americanwhippetclub.net/
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