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Memphis, TN 38111
(901) 283-7533
Cherry's Miniature Schnauzers is a small family-run Miniature Schanuzer breeder that has emerged in the last few years in Memphis, TN. However, as a hobby Miniature Schnauzer breeder, we will only occasionally have litters rather than several times a year. All of our Miniature Schnauzer puppies are socialized in my home with my other dogs and children. Our dogs are fed a high quality diet and receive veterinarian care and routine health examinations. If you have done your research on the Miniature Schnauzer and are interested in one of our puppies, please take a look at our policies and feel free to contact us.
Registry: CKC - Continental Kennel Club
Shelby County, TennesseeCategory:
Miniature Schnauzer Breederscherrysminiatureschnauzer.webs.com/

Newport, TN 37822
(865) 654-0710
(423) 613-4976
We are proud breeders of champions, therapy dogs, working titled Amstaffs, couch potatoes & kids' playmates since the early 90's. Our dogs are simply some of the very best friends you could ever have.
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, UKC - United Kennel Club
Cocke County, TennesseeCategory:
American Staffordshire Terrier Breederswww.edelhauskennel.com/

P.O. Box 32554
Knoxville, TN 37930-2554
We are a Greyhound Rescue of Tennessee, and we are an all-volunteer Greyhound rescue and adoption group.
It is our belief that racing Greyhounds should not be overlooked, but rather placed into loving, responsible homes at the end of their careers. Our mission is to inform the public how beautiful and gentle retired Greyhounds are.
We believe that racing Greyhounds deserve every chance to become a treasured family member at the end of their careers, and we will strive to provide the best possible homes for them.
Knox County, TennesseeCategory:
Greyhound Rescue Organizationswww.greyhoundrescue.org/

1666 Oliver Springs Highway
Clinton, TN
(865) 435-4487
(865) 435-6874
We are an ultra-modern dog and cat boarding facility just minutes from the Great Smoky Mountain National Park. Our beautiful, peaceful setting, along with our loving staff of pet care specialists, will truly make this one of your pet’s favorite vacation destinations.
Anderson County, TennesseeCategory:
Kennels / Boardingwww.littlelakepetlodge.com/

Charlotte, TN 37036
Here at Sands Maltese, our goal is to breed and show top quality Maltese dogs that represent the best qualities of the Maltese standards. We are exhibitors and breeders of pet and show puppies. We also handle for toy breeds for others.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Dickson County, TennesseeCategories:
Maltese Breeders,
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