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German Shepherd at Stud
(707) 585-7674
obduffy@comcast.netI am looking for a pedigree female German Shepherd with paperwork for my male German Shepherd, Aatto. I have all paperwork, and he is AKC/OFA certified. His lineage is from Germany. His father is Gorbi Vom Farbienspel, and he can be looked up on the net. Looking for the female here in northern California. Thank you.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Sonoma County, CaliforniaCategory:
German Shepherd Dog Breeders

840 Hopper Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
(707) 778-4396
Volunteer organization offering pet adoption, licensing, animal education and lost and found services for the city of Petaluma.
Sonoma County, CaliforniaCategory:
Rescue Organizations @www.petalumaanimalshelter.org/