Puppy Listings
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56 N Leotzman Rd
Paragon, IN 46166
(765) 537-4841
(765) 318-3677
AKC champion lined boxers. All puppies born and raised in our home and handled daily by us and our 4 children. 1 to 2 litters a year. Puppies for show/working/pet. Please visit our website to see our dogs and to view our contracts.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Morgan County, IndianaCategory:
Boxer Breederswww.freewebs.com/southwindboxers/
Larjans Labradors
Martinsville, IN 46151
Labrador retrievers raised in Indiana. Labs that are bred for show, companionship, performance or just the perfect family pet.
Morgan County, IndianaCategory:
Labrador Retriever Breeders