Puppy Listings
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(314) 280-8967
BallardhausRottweilers@yahoo.comWe offer European and German Rottweilers and Rottweiler puppies bred for correct conformation, superior quality, working ability, and sound temperaments. We offer import Rottweiler puppies and stud service.
Rottweiler Breederswww.ballardhausrottweilers.com/

(573) 686-0998
Labrador Retriever puppies bred for show, companion, hunting, obedience; outstanding show champion, and hunting titled pedigrees of English bloodlines, excelling in type, temperament, and trainability.
Labrador Retriever Breeders,
Christian Communitywww.canaanlandlabradors.com/

(417) 317-3647
Southwest Missouri breeder of mini Goldendoodle, medium Goldendoodle, F1B mini Goldendoodle, F1B Goldendoodle, Goldendoodle, Toy Cockapoo, F1B Cockapoo, mini Whoodle, and standard Whoodle dogs.
Cockapoo Breeders,
Goldendoodle Breeders,
Whoodle Breederswww.diamonddoodles.com/

(660) 441-3822
AKC CH Doberman Pinschers and Doberman breeder. We work, show & title our Dobermans.
Doberman Pinscher Breederswww.jbarsdobies.com/

(816) 293-5155
jordanfamilykennels@yahoo.comToy Cockapoos, Cocker Spaniels, Giant Schnauzers, Schnoodles, teacup puppies and large puppies, too! We are a group of family and close friends that breed for these breeds. All are home raised and well loved! I do the small Cockapoos and Giant Schnauzers. My friends do the Cocker Spaniels, Toy Poodles, Toy Schnauzers, Schnoodles, etc... Full bred pups are registered AKC, and hybrids are registered with a hybrid dog club. Shipping is available if needed. Look on our website for full info and available puppies:
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, ACC - American Cockapoo Club, APRI - America's Pet Registry, Inc.
Cocker Spaniel Breeders,
Giant Schnauzer Breeders,
Toy Poodle Breeders,
Cockapoo Breeders,
Schnoodle Breederswww.jordanfamilykennels.com/

The goal of the SSLLRC is to protect and advance the interests of the Labrador
retriever by promoting quality breeding, encouraging sportsmanlike competition,
and educating all interested in the virtues, qualities and responsibilities of Labrador retriever ownership.
Labrador Retriever Organizationswww.ssllrc.com/
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