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Show breeder of AKC champion fawn and black Pugs.
Pug Breederswww.arvaypugs.com/

(248) 988-0154
info@grrom.comOur mission is to locate suitable adoptive homes for homeless and displaced Golden Retrievers while providing shelter, food, companionship, and medical care. We are also committed to educating the public on all aspects of dog ownership.
Golden Retriever Rescue Organizationswww.grrom.com/
info@hjalt.comBreeding to the standard to produce beautiful, healthy Shetland Sheepdogs. Sound of mind and body. Equally suited for companionship, performance and conformation.
Shetland Sheepdog Breederswww.hjalt.com/

All about Labrador Retrievers in Michigan. Labrador Retriever puppies and an interactive question and answer section. Links to other Labrador sites.
Labrador Retriever Breederswww.greatlakes.net/~macbeth/

Our club consists of Chesapeake owners interested in field, obedience, conformation, agility, tracking, friendly companionship, and more.
Chesapeake Bay Retriever Breederswww.micbrc.org/

Visit Midwest Border Collie Rescue - MWBCR's Facebook Pagemwbcr@mwbcr.orgWe are dedicated volunteers who open our hearts, lives and homes to ensure the safety of Border Collies. We strive to provide quality care and shelter for abused, unwanted, and abandoned dogs. We evaluate them and place each into proper and permanent homes, aiming for the best possible match. We provide care and continuous training information with each Border Collie we place. It is our policy that adoptable Border Collies will not be euthanized due to lack of adoptive homes. Instead, we will keep the dog in our program as long as is necessary in order to find a suitable home. MWBCR provides educational services and advice to potential and current Border Collie owners with respect to breed characteristics, proper care, health, training, and behavioral issues.
Dog Gifts,
Border Collie Products,
Border Collie Rescue Organizations,

We continue to raise, train, and breed Labradors. Our main goal is to breed quality not quantity. We have approximately 2-3 litters a year. We have raised 3 show champions, who were also wonderful hunting dogs. We have worked hard to create not just a working-hunting dog, but a beautiful, healthy, companion dog. Our dogs' temperaments are terrific; they are sweet, kind, and very obedient! Our family has truly "gone to the dogs"!! Kathy Johnson.
Labrador Retriever Breederswww.standingoaks.net/
tajasiberians@gmail.comWe are a small show kennel in southeast Michigan, USA. We breed, raise, train and exhibit our purebred Siberian Huskies in AKC, UKC, Canada, and even Europe. We have multiple champions. We occasionally have puppies or young adults available to approved homes. Contact us for information.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Siberian Husky Breederswww.tajasiberians.net/

Traverse City, MI
(231) 943-0075
Absolut Bullmarket French Bulldog Breeders. French Bulldog breeder offers information on French Bulldog puppies, a live French Bull Dog webcam, articles on French Bulldog health, genetics, purchasing and history, research in dog food and canine nutrition and info on French Bulldog rescue and adoption. FBDCA French Bulldog breeders in Toronto, Ontario Canada and Traverse City, Michigan.
Grand Traverse County, MichiganCategory:
French Bulldog Breederswww.bullmarketfrogs.com/
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