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Mocksville, NC 27028
"Premier Breeder of Healthy Family Friendly Schnoodles"
Schnoodles are a cross between a Schnauzer and a Poodle. We raise Mini and Toy Schnoodle puppies. Toy Schnoodles average 8-12 pounds. Mini Schnoodles mature 12 to 15 pounds. Schnoodles are intelligent and easily trained. They are very good with children. Most Schnoodles have a soft and fluffy coat, which is non-shedding and tolerated by most people with allergies.
We do not raise more puppies than can be properly cared for and socialized. They live in our home with us and are part of our family.
We crate train and paper train all our puppies and begin house training.
We do not ship puppies. If you fly to us, the puppy can travel on board the plane with you under your seat. This is the only way we allow a puppy to travel on a plane. We can meet you at the airport and provide an under seat kennel.
Please visit our web page for more information. If you have any questions, contact us. We would love to hear from you.
Located less than an hour from Charlotte or Greensboro, NC.
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, CKC - Continental Kennel Club
Davie County, North CarolinaCategory:
Schnoodle Breedersschnoodlepuppies.webs.com/