Puppy Listings
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(303) 688-6502
We are the only Alaskan Malamute Club in Colorado and are proud to be affiliated with the Alaskan Malamute Club of America.
Alaskan Malamute Organizationswww.malnews.com/
glenmoreyorkies@gmail.comWe are a small breeder and show exhibitor of quality Champion Yorkies located in Colorado. We breed in accordance with the official Yorkshire Terrier breed standard and strive to raise sound, healthy Yorkies that are true to type, structure, and style, with great disposition and character. We maintain a limited breeding program and only have a few litters so we can devote our time to them. We are selective in our breeding to produce only the best and can offer superior Yorkie puppies for the show ring or a special pet to love forever.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Yorkshire Terrier Breederswww.glenmoreyorkies.com/

601 16th Street
Golden, CO 80401-1937
(303) 279-2400
Golden Retriever Rescue of the Rockies is dedicated to rescue, placement, and public awareness to ensure that Golden Retrievers are adopted by people able to provide safe, loving homes.
Golden Retriever Rescue Organizations,
Golden Retriever Productswww.goldenrescue.com/

Yorkie puppies for sale. Check our website for a history of the Yorkshire Terrier, Yorkie puppy care and other Yorkie puppy information. We are a certified AKC Yorkie breeder specializing in small or teacup yorkies.
Yorkshire Terrier Breederswww.karensyorkies.com/

(303) 841-0329
Kiowa Akitas foundation is based on the love of the breed and the promise that our Akitas and the showing of our Akitas is a lifestyle, not a hobby.
Akita Breederswww.kiowaakitas.com/

Apart from pet care in Denver, our services include dog sitting service, pet waste removal, dog walking, dog poop cleanup, etc. We also sell the pooper scooper in Denver. Contact us for pet service in Denver.
Dog Sitters,
Dog Walkerswww.crewpoo.com/

Aurora, CO
Based in Colorado. Showing and breeding Rhodesian Ridgebacks for health, temperament, and conformation.
Rhodesian Ridgeback Breederswww.regimentridgebacks.com/

Visit 5280 Toy Rat Terriers' Facebook PageDenver, CO 80249
(303) 955-7876
We specialize in Toy (5-10 lbs mature) and Tiny Tot (under 5 lbs mature) Rat Terriers. Our puppies come to you trained. We feel you deserve a puppy ready to learn and become a part of your family. We understand the frustration of housebreaking and leash-training your new puppy, so we do all this for you. We will be here anytime to assist with your needs. Tails docked and dew claws removed. NRTA and CKC registered. Puppies are litter-trained and started on basic obedience. Stud service is available.
Registries: CKC - Continental Kennel Club, NRTA - National Rat Terrier Association
Denver County, ColoradoCategory:
Rat Terrier Breederswww.5280toyratterriers.com/
Elbert, CO
(303) 648-3553
Welcome to a world where, even if you have allergies to dogs, we can help. We only breed non-shed to non-shed dogs. I know there is a lot of talk about all those doodle dogs out there, but I must caution you... if you breed two dogs, and one dog sheds and the other does not, you cannot be guaranteed non-shedding offspring; it will totally depend on the genes the offspring picks up. Puppy coats change dramatically over the first year or 2 of life. By the time you realize that your dog sheds, you will be in love with the dog, and then what? Please take the time to go through our site. You will see that all of our dogs and mixed are hypo-allergenic. All puppies come pre-spoiled, well socialized, and with a 2 year health GTD. To approved families only.
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, UKC - United Kennel Club, CKC - Continental Kennel Club
Elbert County, ColoradoCategories:
Bichon Frise Breeders,
German Shorthaired Pointer Breeders,
Poodle Breeders,
Tibetan Terrier Breeders,
Whoodle Breeders,
Havachon Breederswww.poodlesonline.net/

Elbert, CO
(303) 648-3553
The F1 hybrid Poochon combines the more robust, oblong body of the Bichon with the intelligence of the Poodle, making a wonderful and happy companion. Depending on the color of the poodle parent, the variance can be wide. Most often white in color. They are active, intelligent, loyal, and affectionate. Typically, this is an ideal dog for children. Their size and playful nature make them a family favorite.
They get along well with other dogs, cats, and small animals. Regular brushing is important. Exercise need is moderate. The Poochon is quite easy to train, but he will enjoy time spent in obedience classes with his family. They have high obedience and high problem solving capacities. Indoor and outdoor activity is moderate. They will adapt to living in just about any environment. Because of their size, they make excellent dogs for apartments. Generally very healthy, the vigor instilled through this cross makes them less prone to some common ailments.
Registry: CKC - Continental Kennel Club
Elbert County, ColoradoCategory:
Bich-poo Breederswww.allergyfreepuppies.com/
accranch@hughes.netA Whoodle is a cross between a Standard Poodle and a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier. Our dam is Paris, standard poodle that weighs about 50 pounds, and our sire, Paddy, is a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier (SCWT) that weighs about 43 pounds. These puppies should be adorable, totally non shed (neither the Poodle or the Soft Coated Wheaton shed), very smart, mellow, hypoallergenic, and have the hybrid vigor... To learn more, research the heterosis effect.
These puppies are pre-spoiled & socialized and come with CKC registration papers, tails docked (where required), shots, worming, a 2 year health guarantee, a puppy care packet (small bag of food, collar, litter towel, first toy, health records), and lifetime puppy support from ACC Ranch!
Registry: CKC - Continental Kennel Club
El Paso County, ColoradoCategory:
Whoodle Breederspoodleso.ipower.com/whoodles.htm
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