Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 30
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609 Gregory Lane
Suite 140
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 279-CCHS (2247)
Contra Costa Humane Society is dedicated to promoting animal welfare. Our site also features dogs and cats for adoption.
Contra Costa County, CaliforniaCategory:
Rescue Organizations

PO Box 2261
Berkeley, CA 94702
A non-profit Animal Rescue organization located in the East Bay of San Francisco Bay Area. All of our adoptable dogs, cats, and kittens can be viewed on our website.
Alameda County, CaliforniaCategory:
Rescue Organizations

840 Hopper Street
Petaluma, CA 94952
(707) 778-4396
Volunteer organization offering pet adoption, licensing, animal education and lost and found services for the city of Petaluma.
Sonoma County, CaliforniaCategory:
Rescue Organizations

873 Fifth Avenue
Redwood City, CA 94063
(650) 367-1405
A private, no-kill, community-based, humane animal shelter and adoption agency located in Redwood City, California.
San Mateo County, CaliforniaCategory:
Rescue Organizations

PO Box 23721
San Jose, CA 95153
A non profit canine rescue organization based in San Jose, CA area. We rescue, foster and find homes for abandoned dogs and puppies from shelter or owner surrender situations. We provide information on spay/neuter, training and behavior modification. etc. Dog and puppy adoption, placement and referral.
Santa Clara County, CaliforniaCategory:
Rescue Organizations
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