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Visit Elvis Yorkshire Terrier's Facebook PageIronton, MO 63650
Specializing in teacup puppies for sale, teacup Yorkies, parti color dogs, golden Yorkshire Terrier pups, and chocolate Yorkies.
We usually have sizes including miniature, tiny, toy, micro, tea cup, and standard. We also provide information on Yorkshire Terriers,
including teacups, breeders, grooming, and puppy care.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Iron County, MissouriCategory:
Yorkshire Terrier
Fantasy Yorkies
(573) 528 2299
We are a Yorkie breeder. We specialize in Yorkie breeding and offer Yorkie puppies and miniature Yorkie puppies for sale.
Yorkshire Terrier Breeders
Motley Kennels
We are a small operation located 40 miles south of Kansas City on the Missouri/Kansas border. We are breeders of Chihuahuas and Yorkshire Terriers. We have some champion bloodlines. Our puppies are litter box trained. They are current on their vaccinations.
Yorkshire Terrier Breeders
Elvis Parti Yorkies
Ironton, MO 63650
(573) 734-6330
For sale – parti Yorkies, chocolate Yorkies, golden Yorkies, golden parti Yorkies, chocolate parti Yorkies, and parti Yorkie gene carriers by a private AKC Yorkshire Terrier breeder. Yorkie puppies are not shipped till 12 wks. Teacups, miniature to standard.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Iron County, MissouriCategory:
Yorkshire Terrier Breeders
Farmer's Yorkies
Anderson, MO 64831
Breeds tiny and standard size Yorkie puppies that are registered and already vaccinated and wormed. Our tiny Yorkie puppies are bred in Southwest Missouri and we provide local stud services.
McDonald County, MissouriCategory:
Yorkshire Terrier Breeders