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glenmoreyorkies@gmail.comWe are a small breeder and show exhibitor of quality Champion Yorkies located in Colorado. We breed in accordance with the official Yorkshire Terrier breed standard and strive to raise sound, healthy Yorkies that are true to type, structure, and style, with great disposition and character. We maintain a limited breeding program and only have a few litters so we can devote our time to them. We are selective in our breeding to produce only the best and can offer superior Yorkie puppies for the show ring or a special pet to love forever.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Yorkshire Terrier

Yorkie puppies for sale. Check our website for a history of the Yorkshire Terrier, Yorkie puppy care and other Yorkie puppy information. We are a certified AKC Yorkie breeder specializing in small or teacup yorkies.
Yorkshire Terrier