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RR 4
Powassan ON P0H1Z0
(705) 724-2676
"The Labrador Retriever in Canada" is a large, spiral bound book on the history and development of the breed - one of the ONLY Canadian books on the subject. The book is divided into sections on the early days in Britain, the USA, and Canada, and also in each province of Canada.
Find pedigrees and pictures of influential dogs in each area, statistics on top show, field, and obedience dogs in Canada, and much more.
There are also sections on breeding and puppy raising.
A book that every serious breeder should have on hand.
Also available, "Training the Mutli Purpose Labrador" - covering everything from the basics of house training the new puppy to individual sections on obedience, rally, agility, tracking, show handling, and field work.
This book is an ideal gift for someone with a new puppy, or even for someone who wants to do a variety of things with their dog(s) and don't know where to start.
For ordering information, see our web site. Prompt mailing on all orders.
Registry: CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Labrador Retriever Products,