Directory Listings - Page 1: Results 1-20 out of 48
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The Central Ohio Labrador Retriever Club (COLRC) was established in the Columbus, Ohio area for the benefit of those interested in the enhancement of the qualities of a Labrador Retriever, the sport, and advancement of cooperative communication within the Labrador Community and the dog fancy.
Labrador Retriever

The Coastal South Carolina Labrador Retriever Club was established to better serve the interests of Labrador owners & enthusiasts in the Coastal Carolinas.
South CarolinaCategory:
Labrador Retriever

Kenilworth ON N0G 2E0
The club began in 1992 over the kitchen table at Karl & Penny Lechowski's home in Mississauga, Ontario.
Labrador Retriever

The Labrador Retriever Club is the AKC Parent Club of the Labrador Retriever. Browse information about the LRC, the breed standard, our breeders directory, upcoming events information and more.
United StatesCategory:
Labrador Retriever

The Mid-Jersey Labrador Retriever Club, Inc., formed in 1974, is the oldest
sanctioned AKC Labrador Retriever club in New Jersey. We are an AKC Licensed Club, and are members of the NJ Federation of Dog Clubs. We offer educational information to puppy buyers as well as fanciers of the breed. We have numerous events throughout the year, including our B-OB Fall Specialty, Hunt Tests, Specialty match and eye clinics.
We also have monthly meetings, and the public is invited to attend. Our web site has information on becoming a member, a directory of breeders, and our event and meeting calendar.
New JerseyCategory:
Labrador Retriever
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