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Medicine Hat AB T0J 1V0
(403) 834-3400
Quality CKC reg'd Labrador Retrievers & American Cocker Spaniels.
Our quality dogs are bred for loving companions, hunt, show, and obedience. All of our adults have outstanding temperaments and excellent health and are well bred, good looking dogs. Our puppies are happy, healthy, and well socialized. We carry top quality pedigrees from Canada and the USA. Our labs come in black, yellow (from light creme to fox red), and chocolate in both the English and American style for the discriminating Labrador owner. Our Cockers come in black, chocolate, and buff in both the solid and parti-colored variety. We continue to improve our bloodlines; this can be seen showing our dogs in the conformation, hunt test, and obedience rings. Above all, each and every one of our dogs is a cherished and well loved family companion. We consider the puppies that we raise and their new families as an extension of our family. We are pleased to be able to offer references of puppy owners in many different cities and provinces. We believe that you will not be disappointed in choosing a Cowboy Up Kennel puppy!
Registry: CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Cocker Spaniel Breeders,
Labrador Retriever

Medicine Hat AB
(403) 504-5034
A very photo intense site about Labraharvest Labrador Retrievers!
Labrador Retriever

Calgary AB
A growing kennel located in Calgary, Alberta owned by Alayne Brigan, AHT. Our goal at Labralayne is to provide loving lab enthusiasts with top quality, versatile dogs that are ready to fill their life with enjoyment. All our dogs are bred for correct conformation, retrieving instinct, willingness to please, intelligence and soundness.
Registry: CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Labrador Retriever

Box 1321
Lloydminster AB
(780) 872-9367
We are professional breeders of quality Labradors. Our dogs and puppies all have the laid back Lab temperament with good retrieving instincts for companions or hunting. Our focus is on white and cream Labradors, but we also have at least one litter a year of black and chocolate as well as silver and charcoal.
Registry: CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Labrador Retriever

Calgary AB
The Torngat Mountain range is the largest mountain range in eastern Canada and actually is in Labrador. We now live near the largest mountain range in western Canada... hence we registered the name Torngat in 2001.
Labrador Retriever
RR# 1
Three Hills AB T0M 2A0
Starstruck Labradors breeds quality CKC Labrador Retrievers for loving pet homes. We breed all colours of Labrador and offer a LIFETIME warranty, a LIFETIME return policy, and LIFETIME breeder support. Starstruck Labradors places an emphasis on ethical breeding and business practices. We take good care of our canine family, screen our breeding dogs for health issues, and donate to the community. We look forward to getting to know you and having you out for a full tour of our kennel facilities. We firmly believe it is important you visit your breeder and meet their whole canine family!
Carleton and Valina Pope
Starstruck Labradors
Registry: CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Labrador Retriever
Atlas Kennels
(403) 360-3991
We provide CKC registered chocolate Labrador Retriever puppies with great temperaments, and hunting bloodlines. Based in southern Alberta. Providing shipment and delivery to most of western Canada.
Labrador Retriever Breeders
Emelson Labradors
Enchant AB T0K 0V0
(403) 739-3954
Our goal at Emelson Labradors is to have our puppies live very happy and fulfilling lives as well as providing years of love and companionship to their new families.
CKC purebred quality Labrador Retrievers - all colors. Family orientated members of the Canadian Kennel Club.
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Labrador Retriever Breeders
Free Spirit Labradors
Irma AB T0B 2H0
(877) 888-8619
We are a large blended family consisting of seven people; we all work really hard to ensure that all of our dogs are properly exercised and receive individual attention. Each and every dog spends time with us, and they rotate through everyone's bedroom. These dogs are not "kennel dogs" and sleep in crates in our house at night. Each dog chooses a person shortly after they are born or arrive here. That person generally owns the bed or lap that the dog will invade for the next 3-4 years of its life with us. We are a Labrador-infatuated family and just want to share the brilliance of the breed with other families out there. We do all we can to ensure the puppy you take home with you is right for you & your family.
Registry: CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Labrador Retriever Breeders
Lilac Grove Labradors
Forestburg AB
(780) 582-3990
We combine the hunting and conformation lines for beautiful working Labradors.
Labrador Retriever Breeders
Windanna Labrador Retrievers
Calgary AB
(403) 255-4814
The web home of Windanna Labradors... We are Charlie and Judy Hunt of Calgary, Alberta, Canada!
Labrador Retriever Breeders