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541 24th Ave
Rock Island, IL 61201
We are a small hobby/show kennel. We show at AKC and international dog shows. In our breeding program on our Italian Greyhounds, we strive for conformation, size, temperament and health. All our IG's are our pets first, then shows, then breeder. Most our puppies are sold with a spay or neuter contract. Few are done with a show contract dealt with a one to one basis. They're born in our home and raised under foot. We offer free neutering on all males, and a 2 year Genetic Guarantee. We can do so because of the genetic testing we do on all our adult dogs. We WILL take the dog back for any reason for the life of the dog.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Rock Island County, IllinoisCategories:
Italian Greyhound Breeders,