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RR #5 Con #10 House #12792
Georgetown ON L7G 4S8
(905) 873-4705
We have been breeding quality Golden Retrievers since 1967. Puppies are all CKC Reg'd, guaranteed, microchipped, vet inspected, and dewormed. Boarding for all my babies for when their families go on holidays and more... Come out and meet our Golden Family...
Registry: CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
Golden Retriever
North York ON M2J 1Z3
(416) 494-7769
Kade is a sound typey Golden with a strong topline both moving and stacked, an abundance of coat, and a beautiful head. He has a proper coat honey in colour with nice length of feathers. Kade's real strength is his movement - he has a smooth, effortless and graceful gait, with excellent reach and perfect balance.
Golden Retriever Breeders