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38271 Timber Lane
St Peter, MN 56082
(507) 380-7636
(507) 340-1600
Our dogs are from European working bloodlines. We select this type of dog specifically because of their high level of intelligence and versatility. Since we are professional trainers, we value the working ability of the dogs first and foremost. With that said, we do not take the physical beauty of our beloved breed for granted and on occasion show some of our dogs in the conformation ring in addition to competing in Schutzhund, Agility, and other competitive dog sports. Our German Shepherd puppies are of some of the highest quality available in the Midwest. Healthy, beautiful working dogs suitable for all venues of work, including being active family companions and personal protection dogs.
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, UKC - United Kennel Club, FCI - Federation Cynologique Internationale, SV - Verein für Deutsche Schäferhunde
Nicollet County, MinnesotaCategory:
German Shepherd Dog