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Euphoria's Shar-Pei
White Haven, PA 18661
AKC Champion Sired Young Adults.
We are currently downsizing due to my mother having a stroke. We are placing 3 of our young adults -2 males and 1 female.
First is a Mahogany Dilute male whom is 19 inches tall and 2 years old. He carries for all colors except blue. He was imported from Europe and has Champions, World Champion, and Multi Champions in his pedigree. Father is pointed. He is available for $1500 outright or would consider selling him for $900 and a Puppy back. He is a proven producer.
Next is a Fawn 2.5 year old female. She is a small standard. She carries for reds, fawns and redfawns. Her father is pointed. She has almost 40 championa in her pedigree. We are asking $400 and a puppy back or $900 outright.
Finally is a 4 yr old red male with black mask. He carries for reds, fawns and redfawns. He is champion Sired and has 48 Champions in 5 generations. He is available for $400 and a puppy back. May consider selling him outright. IF you have any more questions or want pictures feel free to visit our website atÂhoriassharpei or 570-401-7212. We will not ship adults.
Registry: AKC - American Kennel Club
Luzerne County, PennsylvaniaCategory:
Chinese Shar-Pei Breeders