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Visit Anikas Chihuahuas Bloodlines' Facebook PageOakland, CA 94603
Chihuahua enthusiast, author, and photographer. Retired Chihuahua bloodline breeder of teacup-sized Chihuahuas. Merle-free bloodlines of blues, tris, chocolates, & sables. Numerous literature references. 53 years' dog showing background from my family experiences. (Becoming a "hobby breeder" was all we ever really knew...) There is a massive difference between breeding a bloodline for the betterment of the Chihuahua breed and actually breeding commercial pet sales, which I have never done... A hobby breeder/enthusiast is not a business. We do not sell little puppies, because the conformation will not "set" until they are a minimum of 6-12 months old... Pet quality dogs come from every show line, so we do not sell pets for breeding stock. Our dogs are pets 1ST & champions 2ND - all raised & loved in our family, not in a kennel run. Experienced obedience, agility, and conformation dog specialists breeding only for ourselves and to help others who help us maintain the bloodlines. No PUPPIES available!
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, CKC - Canadian Kennel Club, ADBA - American Dog Breeders Association, CCA - Chihuahua Club of America
Alameda County, CaliforniaCategory: