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131 Flanders Road
Bethlehem, CT 06751
Breeders of champion Belgian Sheepdogs (Groenendaels) since 1980. Site includes photos, pedigrees, statistics, newsletter of upcoming litters and links. CH Y-YATT EARP, 2001 and 2003 Best of Breed, at the 125th and 127th Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.
Litchfield County, ConnecticutCategory:
Belgian Sheepdog
MegaSpirit Belgians
Long Island, NY
(631) 447-6757
"Where Beauty comes with Spirit." Belgian Sheepdog that work and show.
New YorkCategory:
Belgian Sheepdog Breeders
Uniquity Belgian Shepherds
West Kelowna BC V4T 1J2
(250) 768-7598
Breeder of Belgian Shepherds located in Kelowna, BC. Belgians for pet, show, working, or performance venues. Puppies and stud service offered. Hips, elbows, eyes, and thyroids tested. Excellent pedigrees; well researched.
Registries: AKC - American Kennel Club, CKC - Canadian Kennel Club
British ColumbiaCategories:
Belgian Sheepdog Breeders,
Belgian Tervuren Breeders